Why is it important to know times tables?
Learning multiplication tables is a key part of maths education in many high-performing education systems such as those in Shanghai and Singapore. Being able to recall times tables fluently is helpful when it comes to other maths activities. Having a secure grasp of the basics of maths, including the fluent recall of times tables, is crucial for children’s success in moving on to more complex maths.
What is the Multiplication Tables Check?
The Multiplication Tables Check is an online test where pupils are as
ked 25 questions on times tables 2 to 12. For every question, there is a 6-second response time, and in between the questions, there is a 3-second rest. The check checks the main focus on times tables for the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12 times table, which come up more often. The questions are generated randomly based on the rules of the MTC. There is no expected standard or ‘pass mark’ for the multiplication tables check, but higher scores indicate greater proficiency in fluently recalling multiplication tables. Schools are encouraged to benchmark themselves against the national and local authority averages.
How is the Multiplication Tables Check administered?
All eligible Year 4 pupils who are registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools, or academies (including free schools) in England are required to take the check. Schools must administer the MTC to all eligible Year 4 pupils between Monday 5 June and Friday 16 June 2023. Schools can use the following week, Monday 19 June to Friday 23 June, to administer the check to any pupils who were absent during the first 2 weeks or in case of any delays to the administration of the check due to technical difficulties. Schools must provide a reason for any pupils who are not able to participate in the check within the MTC service. Schools can access the MTC service to prepare for the check via DfE website.
How is the Multiplication Tables Check designed?
The Multiplication Tables Check is designed to last no more than 5 minutes. It is an online, on-screen assessment which is made up of 25 times tables questions. The check asks pupils to recall times tables facts up to 12x12. Pupils will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
What is the difference between a test and a check?
The Multiplication Tables Check is a check, not a test. The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. The check is designed to be short, easy to administer, and will simply help teachers to identify those pupils who may need more support in mastering their times tables.
How can teachers prepare pupils for the Multiplication Tables Check?
Teachers can prepare pupils for the Multiplication Tables Check by teaching them the times tables facts. The check is focused on fluent recall of facts to 12x12 in a×b= format (no problem-solving/empty box questions). Teachers can also use a variety of manipulatives to illustrate multiplication in a visual and concrete way to promote understanding. Teachers can also explore patterns in multiplication tables using the 'phone key pattern'.
The Multiplication Tables Check is a statutory assessment that is essential for future success in mathematics. It is an online on-screen assessment given to pupils in Year 4 in England, which checks their ability to fluently recall times tables up to 12x12. The check is designed to be short, easy to administer, and will simply help teachers to identify those pupils who may need more support in mastering their times tables. Teachers can prepare pupils for the check by teaching them the times tables facts and using a variety of manipulatives to promote understanding.
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